Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Best of iPhone jailbreak tool's list

There are lot of jailbreak tools are available for iPhone but some of them are popular such as 

  • sn0wbreeze
  • p0sixspwn
  • redsn0w,
  • Absinth,
  • evasi0n,
  • evasi0n7,
  • Pangu.
if you want to jailbreak your iPhone ,You  should know following basic things and check it before jailbreaking
  1. iOS firmware version
  2. Select the Jailbreak tool for relevant above firmware
then download the jailbreak tool  on your PC and connect iPhone via UBS cable , and follow the instruction from the jailbreak tool and select your favorite button and complete the process of jailbreak. Now your iPhone was jailbreaked enjoy with them .